December 16th – Work Party: North Ridge Trail

Eight people volunteered for the RSTB December Work Party.  Located at the North Ridge trail head on the corner of Yosemite Ave. and Flanagan Dr.  After handing out RSTB shirts, reviewing the safety guideline and handing out tools, we headed up the trail.  The dry weather conditions had left the trail relatively free from plant overgrowth.  We concentrated on widening the trail and cutting back immature grasses, mustard and Russian thistle (tumbleweed).  One volunteer came in from the east trail head off Geronimo Ave. and Broken Arrow Dr. working west-north west.  It was a beautiful clear day with a nice breeze.  Many thanks to;  Sheryl Knight, Muffit Jensen, Milo Sanchez, Jim Patto, Lucas Patto, Mike Kuhn, Paul Friedeborn, Mike Kuhn and Martin DeGoey.


October 21st – Work Party: Mt. McCoy

On a calm and sunny morning, three volunteers met at the western end of Washburn Street at the Mt. McCoy trailhead.  We made our way up the trail using shovels, loppers, pick mattock, and a battery powered string trimmer.  We cleared the edges of the trail of newly sprouting mustard and brush overgrowth.   Part of the trail needed shoring up to prevent side-sloping due to erosion.  We buried a large tree branch to reinforce the trail edge and covered it with rocks and dirt.  It was an enjoyable day. Many thanks to Paul Friedeborn, Mike Kuhn, and Martin DeGoey!


June 17th – Work Party: Hummingbird Creek Trail

It was a warm sunny morning at the Hummingbird Creek Trail , where eight volunteers came to participate in June’s work party.  The work was primarily clearing the trail of overgrowth.  We used shovels and Pick Mattocks to cut, mainly Mustard and Deer Weed at the roots.  A grass whip was also used.   Loppers were used to cut back Chamise, California Sage and Laurel Sumac.  One volunteer came later with two bottles of paint to cover graffiti.  Thank you: Brian Dennert, Mike Kuhn, Emily Cody, Paula Grossland, Geneen Garcia, Monty Gonzales, Mason Gonzales and Martin DeGoey.


May 20th – Work Party: Hummingbird Creek Trail

On a slightly hazy morning, three volunteers participated in the May work party at the Hummingbird Creek Trail.  We did some weed whacking and clearing growth along the trail.  We filled in ruts, cleared and created water bars (drain dips).  It was a short day due to an event at Simi Valley Historical Society & Museum at Strathearn Park.  Appreciations go to Paul Friedeborn, Mike Kuhn, and Martin DeGoey.


April 15th – Work Party: Lower Stagecoach Trail

On a sunny spring morning, two volunteers met in the parking lot at Corriganville Park Corriganville Trails (rsrpd.org).  After talking a bit, we carpooled to where the Lower Stagecoach Trail ends at the Santa Susana Pass. We filled in ruts and cleared and created water bars (drain dips).  Even though a bicycle club did maintenance recently, there was still plenty to do. The soil conditions were perfect.  Clearing the trail edges of grasses, mustard and various plants, a snake must have heard us coming.  It burrowed into a small hole and looked like (he) got stuck.  We didn’t want to hurt it trying to dig it out, it will be ok.  We worked our way to the stream crossing and filled in where the stream was eroding the trail, with large rocks.  After passing the midpoint of the trail, we stopped a few times for little things but mostly headed back to the parking lot.  Appreciations go to Mike Kuhn, and Martin DeGoey.


March 18th – Work Party: North Ridge Trail

Six people volunteered for the RSTB March Work Party.  After reviewing the safety guidelines, four volunteers started work at the North Ridge trail head on the corner of Yosemite Ave. and Flanagan Dr. working east.  Two volunteers came in from the east trail head off Geronimo Ave. and Broken Arrow Dr. working west-north west.  The water bars (drain dips) were cleared and there were a few California Sage that needed to be trimmed back.  Other than that it was all trimming the sides of the trail from the thick annual grass using grass whips and two weed eaters.  Hopefully, we stifled the growth of Mustard and Russian thistle (tumbleweed) that was mixed in with the thick grass.  A great deal of the trail was cleared with great thanks to; Madison Christian, Mike Kuhn, Ian Nelson, Eric Behnke, Paul Friedeborn and Martin DeGoey.


January 21st – Work Party: Lower Stagecoach Trail

On a perfectly calm and sunny morning, 13 volunteers gathered near the picnic area at Corriganville Park.  We reviewed safety guidelines, the tools we would be using, and our objective.  The plan was to shore up an edge section of the trail and a switch back section where the trail was eroding.  We hauled two 2”x12”x8’ pressure treated redwood planks a short way up the Lower Stagecoach trail, Corriganville Trails (rsrpd.org) . Using Pick Mattocks and shovels, we trenched in the 2”x12”x8’ planks, anchoring them in with carefully fitted rocks and filling them in with dirt.  The soil conditions were perfect.  After taking a short break, and admiring our handy work, we moved up the trail and filled in ruts and cleared and created water bars (drain dips).  Most of the volunteers were from Student Corps, https://studentcorps.org/about/our-mission/.  The work party ended with a feeling of achievement.  Thanks and appreciation to Naren Borijin, Sansur Borijin, Mingfei Luo, Nelson Hu, Harry Ding, Stella Ding, Kevin Wang, Annie Wang, Ada Tang, Geneen Garcia, Mason Gonzalez, Mike Kuhn, and Martin DeGoey.